Table of Contents
Git 的一般流程
- git init
- git add [file]
- git commit -m "your message"
git add
- 正则表达式
- gitignore
git rm
- 同样可以用正则表达式
git branch [branchname]
create a new branch;
- -D delete a branch;
- -a all branch (-r ) list remote branch;
git check out
from a branch checkout to another.
git 版本回溯(git log + git reset –hard )
- git log 查看指针
- git reset –hard 重置指针。
git diff
- 默认查看当前文件和分支文件的区别
- Create a new repository on Github;
- git remote add origin [*.git]
- git push -u origin master(first time)
- git push